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Three Simple Marketing Steps For Success!

Often ignored but most important are three basic steps you need to help you ensure a successful marketing or advertising campaign.

Published: 01/19/2017 by Richard Visokey

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It's 2017 and the New Year is roaring along. Right now is the ideal time to get a handle on your 2017 marketing plans and to make them into reality. Planning and strategizing now will give you your best chance to successfully put your marketing into place and execute those plans.

Basic marketing has not changed significantly through the years. The things that were the basics years ago remain the basics now. If you have been absent from promoting your business there are some simple things you may not know about and they are vital to a successful marketing campaign.

#1 Be Clear About Your Message
A lot of companies try to create marketing messages that involve a variety of topics and ideas. They try to please every customer in every facet of their business. While that may seem like a good idea it certainly hurts more than it helps. Attention spans of consumers in 2017 are shorter than they have ever been. Your marketing is not the place to share everything about your company. When you try to create to broad a message your real prospects get missed because they can’t hear the message targeted to them. One simple and clear, concise message is the best approach to crafting the right message.

#2 Know Your Customer
Of course you would like to do business with everyone but unfortunately that’s not realistic. Every company has a 'target-audience' and you should know exactly who they are. When you try to talk to everyone your message becomes splatter and won’t attract anyone. When you clearly identify your target-audience you can clearly craft your marketing message directly at them. The difference in response is incredible.

You can know your customer better if you have information about your customers. Sales records, website analytics, and market research all are great to helping you identify who is your customer and who you wish to target. Don’t just assume that because you know your product you can easily select your prospective audience. Back it up with some research!

#3 Have a Clear Call to Action
I can’t remember how many times I have seen ad campaigns that perform miserably and fall flat because of missing this one simple item. The 'Call to Action' is what you want your prospects to do. It is often missed. It should be simple but is should also be clear; Make a phone call, click to buy, or go here download a file. It is the end result you desire. You have to tell them what you want. Never expect your prospects to do something, ask them to do something.

And be sure to Test, test, and test again! And it is important that you test your call to action. As expected, different audiences react differently to certain messages. Asking for someone to “buy now” may not work as effectively as asking them or “order now” or “add to cart”. It takes a little finesse but you’ll quickly discover that adjusting your call to action will change your results and you’ll soon be able to identify the one that works best.

It is just that simple
That’s it. Just three simple marketing steps to help you get started. Have a clear message, know your customer, and provide a strong call to action. Of course they are just the basics to creating a successful marketing program but they are as true today as they were years ago.

For more information on starting an effective marketing program for your business or to learn how Flusion can increase the results of your current marketing contact us for a free evaluation. We can help you get the results you desire! Contact us right now at 480-818-8582 or email us at info@flusion.com


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